Swiss stock letter: Stock market tips and stock recommendations with clear buy and sell recommendations.
WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATION - the leading Swiss stock letter since 1972.
You too can benefit from our 51 years of experience for your personal investment decisions.
Stock market tips and share recommendations with clear buy and sell recommendations -
Independent, objective and committed to our readers.
Editorial on the topic:
Don't get sloppy... the first "straw" has to prove its worth!
Further comments and stock market tips on the following shares:
- STRAUMANN: Bought and already +21% in profit!
- (Report also appears in the free subscription of 29.08.2024: Order here for free:
- ROCHE: "Mini hurdle" to the price target!
- IMPLENIA: "Surprise, surprise"!
- PING AN HEALTHCARE: Profitability would be achieved!
- LITHIUM AMERICAS: Additional purchase already brings +16%!
- CLIMATE & ECONOMY: ""... what if?
The next premium issue of WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATION will be published on September 12, 2024!
Editorial on the topic:
Clear messages... and then a year-end rally after the US elections!
Our latest stock market tips:
- Dental medicine: successful entry, diver exploited!
- Semiconductors: Use consolidation as an opportunity!
- Commodity stock (uranium): Dust-off limit no. 1
- Commodity share (gold): Dust-off limit no. 2
- Commodity share (silver): Dust-off limit no. 3
Further comments and stock market tips on the following shares:
- NEW: Dental medicine: successful entry, diver used!
- NEW: Semiconductors: Use consolidation as an opportunity!
- AMS OSRAM: Turnaround progress "useless"?
- LITHIUM AMERICAS: Small stake, big effect!
(Report also appears in the free subscription of 14.08.2024: Order here for free: - NEW: Commodity share (uranium): Dust-off limit no. 1
- NEW: Commodity share (gold): Dust-off limit no. 2
- NEW: Commodity share (silver): Dedusting limit no. 3
- CEYLON GRAPHITE: Good news, but "pearls of tears"!
The next premium issue of WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATION will be published on August 29, 2024!
Abgeschlossene Transaktionen 2023/24
(as of May 21, 2024)
Aktie | Verkauft | Perfomance |
AGNICO EAGLE MINES | 04.01.23 | +25.9 |
STRAUMANN | 26.01.23 | +27.7% |
SWATCH | 26.01.23 | +1.0% |
STADLER RAIL | 16.02.23 | +12.1% |
CHINA MOBILE | 10.03.23 | +41.5% |
LANDIS+GYR | 13.04.23 | +29.6%/+15.6% |
HELVETIA | 20.04.23 | +37.3%/+55.4% |
EFG INTERNATIONAL | 23.05.23 | +54.8% |
SOFTWAREONE | 20.07.23 | +11.5% |
INTEL | 28.07.23 | +40.8% |
URANIUM ENERGY | 14.09.23 | +61.2%/+40.2% |
XIAOMI | 09.11.23 | +20.6% |
NORAM LITHIUM | 13.11.23 | +106% |
HOLCIM | 21.11.23 | +41.8% |
LANDIS+GYR | 11.12.23 | +20.6% |
VIENNA INSURANCE | 22.12.23 | +51.3% |
ZURICH | 26.02.24 | +187% |
QUALCOMM | 01.03.24 | +18.3% |
SWISSQUOTE | 14.03.24 | +189.1% |
MEDARTIS | 21.03.24 | +12.7% |
SILBER-ETF | 21.03.24 | -23.4% |
ALUFLEXPACK | 28.03.24 | +22.1% |
POLYPEPTIDE | 04.04.24 | +34.2% |
SHELL | 18.04.24 | +27.8% |
EMBRACER | 22.04.24 | +44.5% |
SIEMENS ENERGY | 08.05.24 | -24.4% |
PAN AMERICAN SILVER | 09.05.24 | +22.1% |
BALOISE | 21.05.24 | +22.6% |
The Swiss stock market letter WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATION
- Every 14 days 10-12 pages of stock market tips for shares, precious metals and commodities
- Profit, risk assessment per stock recommendation
- Editorial with market assessment
- Actively managed sample portfolio
- Stock market tips + stock recommendations formulated in an understandable way
- Advertising-free, independent and objective To thereading sample
This is why investors trust
The stock recommendations of the WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATION Swiss stock letter are carefully researched and simply formulated. The stock tips contain a clear buy or sell recommendation. Each stock recommendation is marked with an individual price chance and risk assessment in order to do justice to the different investor profiles.
Our experienced experts take a lot of time, analyze the worldwide stock market events and formulate simple, for everyone understandable, relevant stock recommendations and stock market tips with all the important information that is important for specific investment decisions.
Readers of the WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATION stock letter benefit from the many years of stock market expertise of our proven investment specialists. Take advantage of the experience of our stock professionals for your personal investment decisions in order to realize above-average profit opportunities on the stock market.
As freelance financial journalists of WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATION Schweizer Börsenbrief, we are committed exclusively to our readers. We report independently and objectively on stock market events and present our readers with clear stock market tips and stock recommendations.
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This is why investors count on ECONOMIC INFORMATION
Do you want to be the decisive step ahead of ordinary investors? With the WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATION stock market letter, you can look behind the scenes of the stock market and benefit from first-hand stock market information and stock recommendations! WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATION has been the best-known and most renowned Swiss stock market lettersince 1972 (read more)
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If you read WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATION regularly, you will not miss any profitable investment opportunities and stock recommendations, so take advantage of our service today and order your personal stock letter subscription (read more).
Precious metals such as gold, silver, palladium and platinum have been a globally accepted store of value for thousands of years. Farsighted investors protect themselves against distortions in the monetary system by buying precious metals. Continue to the precious metals page